
河川・湖沼 - セシウムなどの放射性物質の環境動態データベース研究成果




文献ID 資料名 和名 著者 公表年 収録雑誌名 巻号 ページ 論文レビュー DOI 文献PDFへの
11-15-002Radiocesium transfer from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident: A review福島原子力発電所事故後の山地斜面から太平洋への放射性セシウムの移行:レビュー論文Olivier Evrard, J. Patrick Laceby, Hugo Lepage, Yuichi Onda, Olivier Cerdan, Sophie Ayrault2015Journal of Environmental Radioactivity148巻92-11011-15-002.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.06.018
11-20-001Dissolved 137Cs concentrations in stream water and subsurface water in a forested headwater catchment after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident森林源流域における福島第一原発事故後の渓流水および地下水中の溶存セシウム137の濃度Sho Iwagami, Maki Tsujimura, Yuichi Onda, Ryohei Konuma, Yutaro Satou, Koichi Sakakibara, Vasyl Yoschenko2019Jounal of Hydrology573巻688-69611-20-001.pdf10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.019
12-14-001137Cs in irrigation water and its effect on paddy fields in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident 福島第一原子力発電所事故後の日本の灌漑用水におけるセシウム137とその水田に与える影響Natsuki Yoshikawa, Hitomi Obara, Marie Ogasa, Susumu Miyazu, Naoki Harada, Masanori Nonaka 2014Science of Total Environment481巻252-25912-14-001.pdf10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.01.129
12-14-002Distribution and mineralogy of radioactive Cs in reservoir sediment contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear accident福島原発事故で汚染されたため池底質における放射性セシウムの分布と鉱物学的特性Yusuke Aoi, Keisuke Fukushi, Takeo Itono, Norio, Kitadai, Kenji Kashiwaya, Hirohisa Yamada, Tamao Hatta, Yuzo Manpuku2014Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences109巻23-27-10.2465/jmps.130620c
12-16-001Measurement and estimation of radiocesium discharge rate from paddy field during land preparation and mid-summer drainage代かきならび中干し時期における水田からの放射性セシウム流出率の測定と推定Susumu Miyazu, Tetsuo Yasutaka, Natsuki Yoshikawa, Shouhei Tamaki, Kousei Nakajima, Iku Sato, Masanori Nonaka, Naoki Harada2016Journal of Environmental Radioactivity155-156巻23-3012-16-001.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.01.013
13-12-007A comparative study of radiocesium mobility measurements in soils and sediments from the catchment of a small upland oligotrophic lake (Devoke Water, UK)貧栄養型湖の土壌と底質堆積物の放射性セシウムの流動性の相対的研究Comans, RNJ; Hilton, J; Voitsekhovitch, O; Laptev, G; Popov, V; Madruga, MJ; Bulgakov, A; Smith, JT; Movchan, N; Konoplev, A1998Water Research32巻
13-12-015A new general mechanistic river model for radionuclides from single pulse fallouts which can be run by readily accessible driving variables簡易な動力学的モデルにより構築された、チェルノブイリ原発事故様現象による河川中放射性核種濃度の新規予測モデルの提案Hakanson, L2005Journal of Environmental Radioactivity80巻
13-12-019Transuranic and fission product contamination in lake sediments from an alpine wetland, Boreon (France)アルプスの湿地Boreonからの超ウラン元素と核分裂産物による湖沼底泥の汚染Schertz, M; Michel, H; Barci-Funel, G; Barci, V2006Journal of Environmental Radioactivity85巻
13-12-020Long lived radionuclides in the ecosystem of the Sava riverSava川の環境システムにおいて長期間残存する放射性元素Vukovic, Z; Sipka, V; Todorovic, D; Stankovic, S2006Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry268巻
13-12-021“Blind” testing of models for predicting the Sr-90 activity concentration in river systems using post-Chernobyl monitoring data河川中のストロンチウム90濃度予測モデルの過去のチェルノブイリにおける観測結果を用いた精度検証Sasina, NV; Smith, JT; Kudelsky, AV; Wright, SM2007Journal of Environmental Radioactivity92巻
13-12-026Assessment of multiple sources of anthropogenic and natural chemical inputs to a morphologically complex basin, Lake Mead, USA複雑な地形の集水域をもつアメリカ、Mead湖へ流入する人為的、自然由来の化学物質の多様なソースの評価Rosen, MR; Van Metre, PC2010Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology294巻
13-14-002Movement of radiocaesium fallout released by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident2011年福島原発事故によって放出された放射性セシウム降下物の移動Minoura, Koji; Yamada, Tsutomu; Hirano, Shin-ichi; Sugihara, Shinji2014NATURAL HAZARDS73巻
13-16-001Comparative Analysis of Radioactive Cesium Wash-off from Contaminated Catchment Areas after Accidents at the Fukushima Dai-ichi and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plants福島第一原発事故およびチェルノブイリ原発事故後の汚染された集水域からの放射性セシウムの流出に関する比較分析Konoplev, AV2016GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL54巻
13-16-002Occurrence and partition ratios of radiocesium in an urban river during dry and wet weather after the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima2011年福島原子力発電所事故以降の乾期・雨期における都市河川中の放射性セシウムの発生と分配係数Murakami, M; Shibayama, N; Sueki, K; Mouri, G; O, HC; Nomura, M; Koibuchi, Y; Oki, T2016WATER RESEARCH92巻87-9313-16-002.pdf10.1016/j.watres.2016.01.046
13-18-001Natural attenuation of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in soils due to its vertical and lateral migration鉛直および側方移動による土壌中の福島由来放射性セシウムの自然減衰Konoplev, A; Golosov, V; Wakiyama, Y; Takase, T; Yoschenko, V; Yoshihara, T; Parenyuk, O; Cresswell, A; Ivanov, M; Carradine, M; Nanba, K; Onda, Y2018JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY186巻23-3313-18-001.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.06.019
13-18-003Source analysis of radiocesium in river waters using road dust tracers道路ダストトレーサを用いた河川水中の放射性セシウムの発生源分析Murakami, M; Saha, M; Iwasaki, Y; Yamashita, R; Koibuchi, Y; Tsukada, H; Takada, H; Sueki, K; Yasutaka, T2017CHEMOSPHERE187巻212-22013-18-003.pdf10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.095
14-12-002Plutonium and cesium isotopes in river waters in Japan日本の河川水におけるプルトニウムとセシウムの同位体K.Hirose, M.Aoyama, Y.Sugimura1990J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem,141巻
14-12-003Discharge of dissolved and particulate 137Cs in the Kuji River, Japan久慈川における溶存態と粒子態セシウム137の流出T.Matsunaga, H.Amano, N.Yanase1991Applied Geochemistry6巻
14-12-004Seasonal variations of 137Cs activities in the Dora Baltes River (Northwest Italy) after the Chernobyl accidentチェルノブイリ事故移行のDora Baltes川(イタリア北西部)におけるセシウム137の季節変動P.Spezzano, S. Bortoluzzi, R. Giacomelli, L. Massironi1994Journal of Environmental Radioactivity22巻
14-12-005Cs-137 and Sr-90 in water and suspended particulate matter of the Dnieper River reservoirs system (Ukraine)ドニエプル川水系に(ウクライナ)における水中と懸濁粒子中のセシウム137ならびにストロンチウム90U. Sansone M. Belli, O.V. Voitsekovitch, V.V. Kanivets1996Science of The Total Environment186巻
257 -27114-12-005.pdf10.1016/0048-9697(96)05120-0
14-12-006Study on migration behaviour of radionuclides, among them transuranium elements, in the environment, as applied to territories under the impact of the nuclear fuel cycle plants. Assessment of ecological risks in the region Krasnoyarsk Mining-chemical combine- the Yenisey river-the Kara Sea.超ウラン元素の環境中挙動に関する研究—核燃料サイクルプラントへの適用。クラスノヤルスク鉱山ー化学プラントコンビナート地域における生態学リスクの評価に向けて。Y. V. Kuznetsov2001International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), Final Project Technical Report of ISTC748-97-http://www.istc.ru/istc/archive/docsc1.nsf/ludi/w0005442/$FILE/w0005442.pdf
14-12-007137Cs and 90Sr mobility in soils and transfer in soil-plant systems in the Novozybkov distinct affected by the Chernobyl accidentチェルノブイリ事故後のNovozybkov distinctにおける土壌と土壌—植物系間のセシウム137とストロンチウム90の移動E.Korobova, A.Ermakov, V.Limnik1998Applied Geochemistry13巻
14-12-008Characteristics of Chernobyl-derived radionuclides in particulate form in surface waters in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plantチェルノブイリ原子力発電所近傍汚染地域の表層水における粒子態放射性核種の特徴T.Matsunaga, T.Ueno, H.Amano, Y.Tkatchenko, A.Kovalyov, M.Watanabe, Y.Onuma1998J. Contaminant Hydrol.35巻
14-12-009Temporal Change in Fallout 137Cs in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems: A Whole Ecosystem Approach陸圏および水圏におけるフォールアウトセシウム137の移行の経年変化:全生態系型アプローチJ.T. Smith, M.A. Cross, S.M. Wright1999Environmental Science and Technoligy33巻
14-12-010Reduced adsoerption of caesium on clay minerals caused by various humic substances様々な腐植物質による粘土鉱物のセシウム吸着の低減C.Dumat, S.Staunton1999Journal of Environmental Radioactivity46巻
14-12-011effect of illite particle shape on cesium sorptionセシウム収着にもたらすイライト粒子の形状の影響P. Rajec, V. Sucha, D.D.Eberl, J.Srodon, F.Elsass1999Clays and Clay Minerals47巻
14-12-012A critical review of measures to reduce radioactive doses from drinking water and consumption of freshwater foodstuffs飲料水の摂取ならびに淡水産物の消費による被ばく線量の低減方策のレビューJ.T Smith, O.V Voitsekhovitch, L Håkanson, J Hilton 2001Journal of Environmental RadioactivitySI, 1-2号11-3214-12-012.pdf10.1016/s0265-931x(01)00045-5
14-12-013Discharge of 137Cs and 90Sr by Finnish rivers to the Baltic Sea in 1986-19961986-1996年にフィンランドの河川からバルト海へ移行するセシウム137とストロンチウム90R. Saxén, E. Ilus2001Journal of Environmental Radioactivity54巻
14-12-014Sorption of Cs+ to micaceous subsurface sediments from the Hanford site, USAHanfordサイトの雲母を含む亜表層堆積物へのCs+の収着J.M.Zachara, S.C.Smith, C.Liu, J.P.McKinley, R.J.Serne, P.L.Gassman 2002Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta66巻
14-12-015Particulate and dissolved elemental loads in the Kuji River related to discharge rate 久慈川における粒子状ならびに溶存性の元素移行T. Nagano, N. Yanase, K. Tsuduki, S. Nagao2003Environment International28巻
649- 65814-12-015.pdf10.1016/s0160-4120(02)00105-8
14-12-016Importance of colloids in the transport within the dissolved phase (<450 nm) of artificial radionuclides from the Rhône river towards the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea)人工放射性核種のローヌ川からリオン湾への移動におけるコロイド態(<450nm)移行の重要性F. Eyrolle, S. Charmasson2004Journal of Environmental Radioactivity72巻273-28614-12-016.pdf10.1016/s0265-931x(03)00178-4
14-12-017Modelling the overland transport of lead deposited from the atmosphere in the elbe catchment over four decades (1958-1995)エルベ川集水域における大気沈着した鉛の河川移行A. Schulte-Rentrop, M. Costa-Cabral, R. Vink2005Water, Air, and Soil Pollution160巻
14-12-018The influence of a whole-lake addition of stable cesium on the remobilization of aged 137Cs in a contaminated reservoir汚染域の湖沼におけるaged セシウム137の再移動に及ぼす安定セシウム添加の影響J.E.Pinder III, T.G.Hinton, F.W.Whichker2005Journal of Environmental Radioactivity80巻
14-12-019Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin放射生態学からみたドニエプル川水系の現状IAEA2006Radiological Assessment Reports Series 7, STI/PUB/1230 (ISBN:92-0-104905-6)185pp.-10.1093/rpd/ncl506http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/Pub1230_web.pdf
14-12-020Adsorption and desorption of 85Sr and 137Cs on reference minerals, with and without inorganic and organic surface coatings無機・有機物コーティングの有無による標準鉱物試料へのストロンチウム85とセシウム137の吸脱着J.-P.Bllenger, S.Staunton2008Journal of Environmental Radioactivity99巻
14-12-021Nuclear Accidents: The Fate/Behavior of the Chernobyl Fallout in Scandinavian Watersheds原子力事故:スカンジナビア地域におけるチェルノブイリ事故フォールアウトの環境動態L. Håkanson2011Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology7005-705114-12-021.pdf10.1007/springerreference_226395http://www.springerreference.com/docs/html/chapterdbid/226395.html
14-13-001Fluvial discharges of radiocaesium from watersheds contaminated by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Japan福島第一原子力発電所事故による流域汚染に伴う放射性セシウムの河川放出Shinji Ueda, Hidenao Hasegawa, Hideki Kakiuchi, Naofumi Akata, Yoshihito Ohtsuka, Shun'ichi Hisamatsu2013Journal of Environmental Radioactivity118巻96-10414-13-001.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2012.11.009
14-14-001Predicting sediment and cesium-137 discharge from catchments in eastern Fukushima福島県東部地方における粒子およびセシウム137流出量の予測Akihiro Kitamura, Masaaki Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Kurikami, Mikazu Yui, Yasuo Onishi2014Anthropocene5巻
14-14-002Assessment of the caesium-137 flux adsorbed to suspended sediment in a reservoir in the contaminated Fukushima region in Japan汚染された福島地方の貯水池における浮遊砂に吸着したセシウム137フラックスの評価MOURI Goro, GOLOSOV Valentin, GOLOSOV Valentin, SHIIBA Michiharu, HORI Tomoharu2014Environmental Pollution187巻
14-14-003Evaluation of suspended-sediment sources in the Yeongsan River using Cs-137 after major human impactsセシウム137を用いたヨンサン川における人為的影響後の浮遊砂起源の評価Young Shin Lim, Jin Kwan Kim, Jong Wook Kim, Sei Sun Hong2014Quaternary International344巻
14-14-004Size-dependent distribution of radiocesium in riverbed sediments and its relevance to the migration of radiocesium in river systems after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident福島第一原発事故後の河床堆積物における放射性セシウムの粒径分布依存性と河川系における放射性セシウムの移行特性との関係Kazuya Tanaka, Hokuto Iwatani, Aya Sakaguchi, Qiaohui Fan, Yoshio Takahashi2015Journal of Environmental Radioactivity139巻
14-14-005Distribution of dissolved and particulate radiocesium concentrations along rivers and the relations between radiocesium concentration and deposition after the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima懸濁態および溶存態の放射性セシウム濃度の河川流程分布と放射性セシウム濃度と福島原発事故後の沈着量との関係TSUJI Hideki, YASUTAKA Tetsuo, KAWABE Yoshishige, ONISHI Takeo, KOMAI Takeshi2014Water Research 60巻
14-14-006Spatial and vertical distributions of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides and cesium fractionation in sediments of the Var river and its tributaries (southeast France)ヴァール川とその支流(フランス南東部)における堆積物中の天然および人工放射性核種の空間的および鉛直分布ALABDULLAH Jamal, MICHEL Herve, BARCI Vittorio, FERAUD Gilbert, BARCI−FUNEL Genevieve2013Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry298巻
14-15-001Initial flux of sediment-associated radiocesium to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant福島第一原発事故による影響を受けた最大流域から海域への懸濁態セシウムの初期流出フラックスYosuke Yamashiki, Yuichi Onda, Hugh G. Smith, William H. Blake, Taeko Wakahara, Yasuhito Igarashi, Yuki Matsuura & Kazuya Yoshimura2014Scientific Reports4巻
Article number: 3714 号
14-15-002Future projection of radiocesium flux to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant福島第一原発事故による影響を受けた最大流域から海域への放射性セシウム負荷量の将来予測Mochamad Adhiraga Pratama, Minoru Yoneda, Yoko Shimada, Yasuto Matsui & Yosuke Yamashiki2015Scientific Reports 5巻
Article number: 8408 号
14-16-001Fractionation of radiocesium in soil, sediments, and aquatic organisms in Lake Onuma of Mt. Akagi, Gunma Prefecture using sequential extraction群馬県赤城大沼における連続抽出による土壌・底質・水生生物中の放射性セシウムの分画Masanobu Mori, Kin-ichi Tsunoda, Shoichi Aizawa, Yoichi Saito, Yuko Koike, Takahiro Gondaa Shunji Abe, Kyuma Suzuki, Yumi Yuasa, Toshihiro Kuge, Hideki Tanaka, Hajime Arai, Shun Watanabe, Seiichi Nohara, Yoshitaka Minai, Yukiko Okada, Seiya Nagao2017Science of The Total Environment575巻1247–1254-10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.09.205
14-18-001Quantification of dissolved and particulate radiocesium fluxes in two rivers draining the main radioactive pollution plume in Fukushima, Japan (2013-2016)福島における主要放射能汚染プルームを排出する2つの河川における溶存および粒子状放射性セシウムフラックスの定量化(2013-2016)Kazutoshi O.; Yui N.; Taku N.; Keitaro T.; Hiroyuki M.; Masaru M.; Takahiro T.2018Anthropocene22巻40-5014-18-001.pdf10.1016/j.ancene.2018.04.003
14-18-002The role of autochthonous organic matter in radioactive cesium accumulation to riverine fine sediments河川の微細堆積物への放射性セシウム蓄積における内部生産有機物の役割Manabu F.; Keisuke O.; Chihiro Y.; Manami M.2018Water Research137巻18-2714-18-002.pdf10.1016/j.watres.2018.02.063
14-18-003Characteristics of radio-cesium transport and discharge between different basins near to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant after heavy rainfall events福島第一原子力発電所近くにおける豪雨発生後の異なる流域間の放射性セシウム移動と流出特性Kazuyuki S.; Akihiro K.; Alex M.; Hiroshi K.; Masahiko M.; Koji M.; KazuhiroT.; Takamaru K.; Yasuhiro T.; Hiroyuki T.2017Journal of Environmental Radioactivity169-170巻137-150-10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.12.006
14-18-004Evaluation of sediment and 137Cs redistribution in the Oginosawa River catchment near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant using integrated watershed modeling流域統合モデルを用いた福島第一原子力発電所付近の荻野沢川流域における堆積物とセシウム137再分布の評価Kazuyuki S.; Alex M.; Hironori F.; Hiroshi K.; Tadafumi N.; Takahiro N.; Koji M.; Kazuhiro T.; Takamaru K.; Akihiro K.; Masaaki H.2017Journal of Environmental Radioactivity182巻44-51-10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.11.021
14-20-001Factors controlling the variability of 137Cs concentrations in 5 coastal rivers around Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant福島第一原子力発電所周辺の5つの河川沿岸域における137Cs濃度変化を支配する要因M. Delmasa, L. Garcia Sanchez, Y. Onda2019Journal of Environmental Radioactivity204巻1-1114-20-001.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.013
14-20-002Spatial variation in sedimentary radioactive cesium concentrations in Tokyo Bay following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident福島第一原子力発電所事故後の東京湾における堆積放射性セシウム濃度の空間的変動Atsushi Kubo, Kai Tanabe, Yukari Ito, Takashi Ishimaru, Hisayuki Arakawa, Jota Kanda2019Chemosphere235巻550-55514-20-002.pdf10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.06.215
14-20-003Reservoir sediments as a long-term source of dissolved radiocaesium in water system; a mass balance case study of an artificial reservoir in Fukushima, Japan水系溶存放射性セシウムの長期的供給源としての貯水池堆積物; 福島県の人工貯水池におけるマスバランス分析Hironori Funaki, Kazuyuki Sakuma, Takahiro Nakanishi, Kazuya Yoshimura, Estiner Walusungu Katengeza2020Science of the Total Environment743巻14066814-20-003.pdf10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140668
14-20-004Discharge of suspended solids and radiocesium into stream water in a forested watershed before and after line thinning with spur road construction支線道路建設に伴う列状間伐前後の森林流域における懸濁物質と放射性セシウムの河川流出Yoshiki Shinomiya, Masahiro Kobayashi, Tatsuya Tsurita, Yoshio Tsuboyama, Shinji Sawano, Yuko Itoh, Yasuhiro Ohnuki, Koji Shichi2020Journal of Environmental Radioactivity225巻10641814-20-004.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106418
15-12-001Mathematical modeling of radionuclide dispersion in the Pripyat-Dnieper aquatic system after the Chernobyl accidentチェルノブイリ事故後のプリピャチ-ドニエプル川水系における放射性核種の分散の数学モデルMark J. Zheleznyak, Raisa I. Demchenko, Sergey L. Khursin, Yuri I. Kuzmenko, Paul V. Tkalich, Nickolay Y. Vitiuk1992Science of The Total Environment112巻
15-12-002Modelling of radiocesium in lakes — the VAMP model 湖沼における放射性セシウムのモデリング―VAMPモデル―Lars Håkanson, John E. Brittain, Luigi Monte, Rudie Heling, Ulla Bergström, Vesa Suolanen1996Journal of Environmental Radioactivity33巻
15-12-003Review and assessment of models used to predict the fate of radionuclides in lakes 湖沼における放射性核種の運命を予測するモデルのレビューと評価Luigi Monte, John E Brittain, Lars Håkanson, Rudie Heling, Jim T Smith, Mark Zheleznyak2003Journal of Environmental Radioactivity69巻
15-12-004Global Analysis of the Riverine Transport of 90Sr and 137Csストロンチウム90とセシウム137の河川における移行に関するグローバルな分析Jim T. Smith ,Simon M. Wright ,Matthew A. Cross ,Luigi Monte ,Anatoly V. Kudelsky , Ritva Saxén , Sergei M. Vakulovsky ,and David N. Timms2004Environmental Science and Technology38巻
15-12-005Review and assessment of models for predicting the migration of radionuclides from catchments 集水域からの放射性核種の移行を予測するモデルのレビューと評価Luigi Monte, John E. Brittain, Lars Håkanson, Jim T. Smith, Marcel van der Perk2004Journal of Environmental Radioactivity75巻
15-12-006Review and assessment of models for predicting the migration of radionuclides through rivers 河川からの放射性核種の移行を予測するモデルのレビューと評価Luigi Monte, Patrick Boyer, John E. Brittain, Lars Håkanson, Samuel Lepicard, Jim T. Smith2005Journal of Environmental Radioactivity79巻
15-12-007The "AQUASCOPE" simplified model for predicting 89,90Sr, 131I, and 134,137Cs in surface waters after a large-scale radioactive fallout広範囲の放射性物質の降下後の地表水におけるストロンチウム89、90、ヨウ素131、セシウム134、137を予測する簡単なモデル-AQUASCOPE-Smith JT, Belova NV, Bulgakov AA, Comans RN, Konoplev AV, Kudelsky AV, Madruga MJ, Voitsekhovitch OV, Zibold G.2005Health Physics89巻
15-12-008Assessment of state-of-the-art models for predicting the remobilisation of radionuclides following the flooding of heavily contaminated areas: the case of Pripyat River floodplain高度汚染地域における洪水に伴う放射性核種の再移行を予測する最新のモデルの評価:プリピャチ川の氾濫原のケースLuigi Monte, Raul Periañez, Sergey Kivva, Gennady Laptev, Giacomo Angeli, Haydn Barros, Mark Zheleznyak2006Journal of Environmental Radioactivity88巻
15-13-001Transport and distribution of artificial gamma-emitting radionuclides in the River Yenisei and its sedimentエニセイ川とその底質におけるγ線放出人工放射性核種の移行と分布Tatiana Semizhon, Stefan Röllin, Yana Spasova, Eckehard Klemt2010Journal of Environmental Radioactivity101巻
15-13-0022-D numerical simulation of radionuclide transport in the lower Yangtze River長江下流における放射性核種の移行の2次元数値シミュレーションWan-shun ZHANG, Yan-xin ZHAO, Yan-hong XU, Yong-gui WANG, Hong PENG, Gao-hong XU2012Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B24巻
15-14-001Modeling radiocesium transport from a river catchment based on a physically-based distributed hydrological and sediment erosion model物理分布型水文・土壌浸食モデルに基づく河川流域からの放射性セシウム移行のモデリングTsuyoshi Kinouchi, Kazuya Yoshimura, Teppei Omata2014Journal of Environmental Radioactivity139巻407-41515-14-001.pdf10.1016/ j.jenvrad.2014.07.022
15-14-002Predicting the long-term 137Cs distribution in Fukushima after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident: a parameter sensitivity analysis福島第一原子力発電所事故後の福島におけるセシウム137の分布の長期予測:パラメータの感度解析Masaaki Yamaguchi, Akihiro Kitamura, Yoshihiro Oda, Yasuo Onishi2014Journal of Environmental Radioactivity135巻135-14615-14-002.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.04.011
15-14-003Sediment and 137Cs behaviors in the Ogaki Dam Reservoir during a heavy rainfall event豪雨イベント時の大柿ダムにおける土壌とセシウム137の挙動Hiroshi Kurikami, Akihiro Kitamura, Satoru Thomas Yokuda, Yasuo Onishi2014Journal of Environmental Radioactivity137巻10-1715-14-003.pdf10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.06.013
16-14-002Cesium-137 discharge into the freshwater fishery ground of grazing fish, ayu Plecoglossus altivelis after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident2011年3月の福島原子力発電所事故による淡水域アユ漁場内へのセシウム137の流出 Kei'ichiro Iguchi, Ken Fujimoto, Hideki Kaeriyama, Atsushi Tomiya, Masahiro Enomoto, Shin-ichiro Abe, Toshinori Ishida2013Fisheries Science79巻
16-14-003Radioactive contamination of fishes in lake and streams impacted by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident湖沼、渓流中の魚類への福島原子力発電所事故による放射線的汚染Mayumi Yoshimura, Tetsuya Yokoduka2014SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT482-483巻184-19216-14-003.pdf10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.02.118
16-14-004Radioactive contamination of aquatic insects in a stream impacted by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident福島原子力発電所により影響を受けた小川に生息する水生昆虫の放射性汚染Mayumi Yoshimura; Akio Akama2014Hydrobiologia722巻19-3016-14-004.pdf10.1007/s10750-013-1672-9
16-14-009Long-term trends and variation in 137Cs activity concentrations in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from Øvre Heimdalsvatn, a Norwegian subalpine lakeノルウェーの亜高山帯のØvre heimdalsvatn湖におけるブラウントラウト(Salmo trutta)中のセシウム137濃度の長期的な傾向および変動John E. Brittain, Jan Egil Gjerseth2010Hydrobiologia624巻107-11316-14-009.pdf10.1007/s10750-010-0155-5
16-15-001Radiocesium contamination of lake sediments and fish following the Fukushima nuclear accident and their partition coefficient福島原子力事故後の湖における底質および魚類の放射性セシウム汚染と分配係数Takehiko Fukushima and Hiroyuki Arai2014Inland Waters 4巻 204-21416-15-001.pdf10.5268/IW-4.2.689
16-15-002Comparison of radioactive cesium contamination of lake water, bottom sediment, plankton, and freshwater fish among lakes of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan after the Fukushima falloutフォールアウト後の福島県内湖沼における湖水、底質、プランクトン、淡水魚のセシウム汚染の比較Keishi Matsuda, Kaori Takagi, Atsushi Tomiya, Masahiro Enomoto, Jun‑ichi Tsuboi, Hideki Kaeriyama, Daisuke Ambe, Ken Fujimoto, Tsuneo Ono, Kazuo Uchida, Takami Morita, Shoichiro Yamamoto2015Fisheries Science81巻737-74716-15-002.pdf10.1007/s12562-015-0874-7
16-18-001Radiocesium dynamics in the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Onuma on Mt. Akagi following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident福島原子力発電所事故後の赤城山大沼の水生生態系中の放射性セシウム挙動Suzuki, K; Watanabe, S; Yuasa, Y; Yamashita, Y; Arai, H; Tanaka, H; Kuge, T; Mori, M; Tsunoda, K; Nohara, S2018SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT622巻1153-116416-18-001.pdf10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.017
16-18-002"Caddisfly watch," a biomonitoring program using Stenopsyche larvae to determine radioactive cesium contamination in rivers following the Fukushima nuclear disasterトビケラウォッチ~トビケラを使用して福島原子力発電所事故後の河川水中放射性セシウム汚染を評価するバイオモニタリング調査Ueno, D; Mizukawa, H; Inanami, O; Nagasaka, H; Tatsuta, N; Narazaki, Y; Fujino, T; Watanabe, I; Kameda, Y; Nakai, K2018LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING14巻